Wow. A member of the elite who is not willing to be a doormat for Obama. Of course, he’ll keep his place at the trough, you kidding?
What recovery?
Are you the author?
“Almost 5 million Americans have completely given up looking for work and left the labor force since the “recovery” that started in June 2009.”
If Osbama was a Republican the lamestream media would air an interview with one of these 5 million every broadcast.
“And this recovery would have been even worse if the Federal Reserve hasn’t been pumping in trillions of newly printed dollars into the economy, with the so-called “Quantitative Easings” 1 and 2.”
Of course! And if it wasn’t for QE2, we would also have hordes of elephants marching down our streets.
See any elephants? No! So thank Ben for the lack of wild and crazy elephants!
OJerko has repeated over and over, this is a "blip" in the road.
What in hell is a blip?
50% say OJerko doesn't care.
I would really, really like to hear the answer to the following question: “Mr. Bernanke, can you me/us under which conditions you would freely admit that your policies had completely failed?”
That was a really, really snarky market turnaround EOD. Evil stuff. Watch it.
And when you factor in the real inflation rate of about 10 % (once you add energy and food back into the index) 2.8% abos-frickin-lutely sucks like a black hole.
Is that Lott’s writing after a Fox editor got to it? Ouch.
I think some people are getting the scent of blood in the water.
See your party's politician. Ask him if another election placebo would be right for you.
We're needing at least 15,000,000 jobs. Green jobs, tax cuts, and another small business pizza shop won't cut it. We have to make more of what we import.
Funny watching the Dow go from +39 to -19 in 20 minutes while he spoke.
So QE3 is on the way? I missed the end of the speech, and Fox just has this little teaser blurb.
Bernanke has to keep printing money because he’s about the only one in the universe willing to buy U.S. treasuries. Imagine the financial chaos if Ben weren’t there to buy all the debt the District of Corruption produces. Even Paul Ryan’s plan increases debt by 9 trillion dollars in the next decade.
(Sniffle) That's so true.
Heck, what's not to like? High unemployment, High food prices, High gas prices, High utility costs, Record home foreclosures, Bank closings, Investment losses, Stock market losses, Obamacare, A world-class culture in decline, overrun with terrorists and illegals, Trillions of US dollars guzzled by Mideast hellholes.... China dumping US Treasuries, $14 Billion loss on auto bailouts AND billions more in foreign aid to countries holding US Treasury Americans lose their homes and nest eggs.
I guess the DNC will create a campaign based on Ohaha's "financial genius." And besides, Obama needs another four years so Michelle can gallivant around the globe in designer fashions, stay at luxe hotels, and eat lobster (sniffle).
THIS JUST IN News Reports Say Job Market Far Worse Than It Appears; raw numbers are downright scary.
Oh, happy day, now the DNC has a-n-o-t-h-e-r good reason to reelect Ohaha.
Obamas approval ratings appear to have steadily risen the past two months (course they only polled Dems). Getting rid of putrid Rahm, stashing the execrable Gibbs and Axelrod out of sight (behind the scenes in the reelection effort) was a good thing for Ohaha. And Pelosi out of the way, no longer praising Ohaha, and his healthcare plan, is also working well.
But look closely, voters.... as 2012 looms, Ohaha's looking less human by the minute---more like a vote-crazed, wild-eyed robot, mouthing sound bites.
SEE THE SYNCHRONIZED CANDIDATE Stay tuned. From hereonin everything he says will sound like a focus group sound-bite......with pre-programmed voice inflections, and synchronized hand and head gestures.