Thank you Mam.
“I am already sick of the discussion about who the GOP candidate should be. As of right now, I dont have a favorite among those who have announced.
I do have some questions/thoughts though:”
I will do my best to answer them honestly.
“1) What are these awful things that Sarah Palin is supposed to have done during the 08 campaign? I keep hearing talk show hosts reference her baggage from 2008 and I cant think what it might be.”
Well let's see... she is a woman... she is beautiful... she is happily married... she chose to have children and to create a loving family environment and refused to abort her Downs Syndrome baby... she did all of this while running for the PTA, then Mayor of Wasilla, Governor of the State of Alaska while running for VP with mccain... and blowing away the convention and America with her “Lipstick on a Pig” speech... following the advice from the mccain/romney enemy within agents of evil and going into hostile interviews with people that were agreeable to the assault upon her... surviving all of these attacks... even being accused of the attack on Giffords... being loud and proud of her Faith in GOD and her Patriotic love of America and her people... and there us much more but these are the basics as to why she is lied about and attacked for being the worst person on the planet.
“2) I, for one, have voted for my last lesser-of-two-evils candidate. The beltway GOP can either let the grass roots have the candidate of their choice in 2012, or they can do without my vote. I am sick of the McCains, Doles and Romneys.”
You are singing my song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“3) One other comment Id like to make. The next time that someone asks if there is room for Michele Bachmann if Sarah Palin announces, I would like someone from the GOP stand up and say - women comprise more than half the population, so why do men seem to think that only one woman at a time can run for the GOP presidential nomination?”
You know... I have never thought about that question and particularly from that viewpoint... but I like that comeback... because only a dim or a liberal party hack rino would ask that... so their sexist nature would be impossible to defend... I like it very much indeed!
Thanks for the recap of Sarah’s “sins”. How can she show her face in public:)