Man dies and goes up to heaven, sees that there are actually two pearly gates. Above one is a sign saying "predestination" and above the other is one marked "free will". He ponders this for a while, and then goes in the one marked "predestination". Behind the gate is an angel.
"What are you doing here?" asks the angel.
"Well," says the guy, "I just got here and saw the two gates. This one was marked predestination and I'm a good calvinist, so I came in here."
"Wrong" says the Angel. "You stood there and could have freely chosen either gate. I think you had better go out and choose again."
So the guy, a bit miffed, walks out and goes into the gate marked "free will". Behind the gate is another angel.
"What are you doing here?" says the angel. "Well," says the guy, "the other angel sent me here..."
And the moral of the story is - all these little ways we have of dividing ourselves up are nowhere near as important to God as we fondly think they are...
I believe the proper reply to this is... AMEN! ;)