RINO alert:
“For months, the Tea Party Patriots have been embroiled in a dispute with a former leader, Amy Kremer, over her involvement with the Tea Party Express, a rival faction of Tea Partiers which the Patriots see as inauthentic and overly tied to the GOP. “
Worth repeating:
“which the Patriots see as inauthentic and overly tied to the GOP.”
See also: Mitt Romney, Karl Rove, Krauthammer, et al
many of these tea party umbrellas have ties to the republican collectives. many of the so called self-selected tea party generals are ex-repub operatives. no one of them is necessarily better than the other’s. no one should be trusted more than the others. caveat emptor. i used them when they are useful to defeating the statists.
never cede total trust to *any* politician or collective.
never do or support anything that doesn’t advance liberty.