Oh, I want Larry Flynt to keep grabbing those headlines speaking out against Sarah. She’ll look better everyday, compared to that waste of skin.
If it is wrong to have the desire to see Flynt’s wheelchair malfunction on a heavily-traveled street? If so, I’ll try to overcome that desire.
This guy is misrable every day of his retched life.
Larry Flynt is weird
“she dares treat him like she would any other child in her family”
Shocking! How dare she decide to not comply with the Politically Correct Methods of Raising Children with Downs-Syndrome!?!
In my opinion, treating a special needs child (who is as capable of understanding and complying with parental expectations as any other child his age) as normally as possible is important.
Far too many parents these days are willing to justify a mentally handicapped child’s poor behavior. In my view, if your child is truly so handicapped that he cannot be expected to behave appropriately in a school, restaurant, store, park or (insert any other place here), then he (or she) should not be brought to those places.
I have had the “honor” of meeting Larry’s daughter. he should not be casting stones.
Romulans dont let their “defective” children live either. Maybe he is related to them.
Mr Flynt does not believe in the sanctity of his own life so why should we expect any different position on someone else’s.
I suppose it would be insensitive and inconsistent of me to point out that mankind would have been far better off without mr flynt.
Not wanting to be insensitive nor inconsistent, I’ll just let this one go by.
He is literally a piece of garbage.
Literally a piece of filth.
Literally, actually, a POS.
With libs like Larry Flint, the only choice for a pregnant woman is to abort. A pregnant woman spoils all of their fun. Being a man who has had five marriages, maybe staying married to the same woman also spoils all the fun.
I used to think that Larry Flint was the lowest of the scum until I found that all liberals think like him. From now on I will not just call liberals by the simple “liberal” term. I will, from this point forward, refer to them as Larry Flint liberals or Larry Flint progressives.
Priceless !
A typical liberal speaking as a straight liberal and taking of the mask ! He is only spouting the hidden liberal shamefull thought
Go on Flint !
Larry Flynt has done more evil and corruption to the world than Trig will ever do.
I wonder what Larry Flynt would say if some celebrity were to be quoted saying that he wished Larry Flynt had been killed by sniper’s bullet that hit him?
I wish that .44 caliber bullet had found its mark.
Larry Flynt is a reprobate. His views are of little interest to me.