Posted on 06/04/2011 6:18:32 AM PDT by Kaslin
Well, Im going to be called a racist for this one, but here it goes: What the heck is up with the hip hop crowd trashing South Beach year after year on Memorial Day? Is this how your crew celebrates the hard-won freedoms our nations heroes gave their lives forby annually ransacking South Florida and shooting at cops?
Its gotten so bad down on South Beach while the Urban Beach Weekers are in town that South Floridians, of all races, remind each other not to go south past Surfside until the Urban Beach Week is over because it is one god-awful hell zone.
I know if I owned property and/or lived on SoBe I would be raising utter Cain with my city officials for allowing this kind of madness in my neighborhood on a yearly basis. I have several friends who live between 5th and 64th & Collins, and they get the hell out of Dodge each year when this invasive group blows into town. More than a few of my friends put up their hurricane shutters before leaving their homes in anticipation of the carnage this week historically brings.
That, my friends, is a problem when you have to leave your digs, board up your property and hide your vehicles because a particular crowd is coming to town that necessitates such precautions. Whats up with that? Thats BS no matter how you slice it.
And if you think Im alone in loathing that which this pillaging element regularly unleashes on our beautiful city, youre nuts. Gay activist Herb Sosa especially despises it. The vast majority of people who give a damn about Dade County and our gorgeous beaches hate Urban Beach Week. Yep, I said it. They hate it especially those who live in the condos and mansions along South Beach.
Why do they detest UBW? Well, its because of things like the insane 24-hour noise, the tons of trash on the streets and beaches, the increase in security that is reminiscent of Fallujah in 2004, and the radical spike in crime and arrests (including the ubiquitous vandalism of cars and homes).
This past weekend the Urban Beach people hit their nadir: They turned South Beach, Americas Riviera, into a war zone. Collins Avenue on Memorial Day was indeed memorable but in a tawdry, satanic sense as the Urban Beach Weekers made our Cosmopolitan playground look more like Cairo, complete with attempted cop killing. Yes, during this years festivities the Urban Beach Weekers trashed the historic Art Deco streets, screamed, yelled and blasted music 24/7, and then, of course, theres the attempted murder of our local police. Yep, one of the tourists tried to run over several cops with his vehicle and then shot at them, at which point a gunfight ensued between one of these winners and Miamis cops that made anything John Yoo has produced look lame.
Call me a racist, a gringo, honkey, cracker, or whatever. But at the end of the day if Edgar and Johnny Winter, the von Trapps or the lost white tribe from Whiteyville (that listens to Pat Boone and only Pat Boone) came to my city year after year and screwed it up, as much as I love my Caucasian brethren, I would do everything in my power to bounce them away from my house. As in, for good.
Yes, it does. I lived in Atlanta when Freaknik was still happening there. Talk about a mess.
It’s “urban” values vs “country” values and has been for at LEAST the past 25 years.
And the people who live in South Beach will continue to vote the same way as the young urban thugs. Democrat.
This is what a "long hot summer" looks like when there is no specific grievance.
Not this Torontonian.
I hear myself talking. I just had a little more to say about the coordinated thuggery across the country by Eric H0lder's "people" in the last Memorial Day weekend.
And yes, it will escalate to become 0b0z0s Communists vs. America and eventually, the summer of intimidation will morph into the countrys transformation through revolution when the unions join in. They dont want just another summer of meek discontent.
If the citizens dont defend themselves, they shouldnt hold their breath for H0lder to prosecute his people. No Republicapons will ever dare to complain or to question the messiahs Communist regime.
Republicant’s , the ‘loyal’ opposition. Feckless dolts have already sold their souls to the funders for the new world order. Palin worries them because hse is awsakening a segment of the dumbed down, bread and circus sated sheeple. Of course, the powers that run the media and the federal oligarchy will not let her be elected, but the concern by these sneaky bastards is that she is making their final abortion of the Republic more difficult and will perhaps toss a monkey wrench into their plans to ‘cleanse’ segments of large cities, the owners of which stand to rake off the remaining billions left in insurance companies.
Rule #1: Stay away...far away...from anything or anyplace with the label “Urban”. It’s a synonym for “Barbarian.”
We lived through it for years in Atlanta as “Freaknik” We finally kicked it out and it headed south to FLa. Its a nightmare.
I guess it (meaning this and all the other stuff they’re shoving down our throats) will have to get to a full rolling boil before people do or say anything. I wonder what the Republicapons will do, send Bohner to play golf with whatsisname some more?
Why does the county allow this to cntinue? They should tell all of the establishments that there will be no Urban week and start aressting anyone who starts misbehaving even if it means debutising officers from surrounding counties to help for the week.
Nah, Replicapons could easily find a wide-stand homo who can easily excite 0h0m0 and bend him over to the right.
Oh, I agree 100%. This is one of those games that just draws a historically bad crowd. Nothing new about it, though. Ten years ago, I worked right down the street from the Superdome. When the Bayou Classic crowd hit town, secretaries were encouraged to work from home and for those who did come in to the office, all the guys would make sure they got to their cars safely in the evenings.
My boss, knowing that I parked near the stadium, would remind me that I should probably carry some "protection". I'd respond: "What, more than usual?" ;-)
“...the lost white tribe from Whiteyville (that listens to Pat Boone and only Pat Boone)”
LOL, I know this is a serious situation, but that is a funny line.
Invite uncivilized savages to your fair city, guess what you are going to get.
A BUMP for Urban Festivities...
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