Posted on 06/03/2011 7:06:31 AM PDT by arderkrag
THE HAGUE, Netherlands Ratko Mladic defiantly refused on Friday to enter pleas to what he called "obnoxious" allegations that as the Serb military chief during the Bosnian war he orchestrated the worst atrocities of a conflict that claimed 100,000 lives. He claimed he was defending "my people and my country."
Appearing in a U.N. courtroom shielded by bulletproof glass 16 years after he was first indicted, Mladic told the Dutch presiding judge he was "gravely ill," but would only give details of his health out of earshot of the public.
However, the ravages of time and his life as a fugitive were clear for the dozens of war survivors, diplomats and journalists watching the 69-year-old general from the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal's public gallery.
Mladic appeared unable to fully use his right hand. Court guards supported him as he stood up and helped him put on a headset so he could listen to a simultaneous translation of the hearing in Serbian. His head was almost entirely bald after he removed a baseball cap he wore when he entered court and his speech was slow and appeared slightly slurred.
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LOL--do you know who I am?
Subhuman filth, trying to pass off his disturbed bloodlust as patriotism.
“Subhuman filth’’. Trying to keep Islam out of his corner of the world. The guys a f’ing hero.
One thing facebook has over this site is you can like comments.;)
Murdering unarmed prisoners is beneath contempt. That you would defend this monster speaks volumes about you.
Yes he’s a monster
a monster who tried to protect his people from the koran animals
The mind boggles, doesn’t it? Imagine saying that about someone trying to keep Christianity out of his corner of the world.
wish we could keep them (muslims)out of our country
This es very dangerous stuff, making criminals out of defenders of their nation. It entirely depends on the popularity of the cause to the world press and the muslim/communists. No doubt in my mind, he is just a man carrying out a war against an enemy.
Just like the Israelis being “charged” with killing women and children purposely. I believe nothing about what is told in the press about Serbia and their cause. I remember the “mass graves” with a few dozen people in them, when it was reported that tens of thousands were buried. What, is it now a crime to not give a Muslim burial to swine?
Yes he is. About ten years ago, pre-9/11 I worked briefly with some Serbs. The cold, steely hate I saw in their eyes when the “Islam’’ was mentioned was something I’ll never forget. One of them said to me “What would you do if it were your country’’?
Elsewhere, or on this thread?
Bingo And muslim terrorists should not be treated as POW's in the first place
before the PC crowd pussyied it The Military Code in Western nations held that terrorists could subjec to to drums head court martial and summary executed
This guy was just doing what we should to with captured Al Quida
That's heart of the issue. One could (I say should) argue that he was reacting to a terrible time, that he was watching his friends/countrymen die, etc.--but went overboard. To call him a "hero" betrays a very large blindspot in one's moral compass.
I hell as sure don’t believe the UN or the pro muslim quislings in the media or else where
Killing children to save the West?
Why of course he is a great hero,let’s follow that man and see where he leads us.
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