Of course, Obama is a schmuck, but there are reports on Gallup that 47% of Americans favor redistributing wealth from the rich .... I believe herein lies the real problem.
It seems almost half of Americans don’t WANT to be Americans anymore, or never really understood or understand what it is to BE an American. They’d rather pattern themselves after weak willy Euroweenies and take us down this road to their magical utopia.
Palin is right about at least TRYING to educate dimbulb Americans about our heritage. It’s sad her tour is being maligned.
He’s on TV taking a victory lap at a Chrysler plant. I’m glad he’s doing that because all he does is remind the vast majority that he saved union jobs and no others. It’s a vote losing issue but he’s not intelligent enough to understand that.
I absolutely favor redistribution of wealth from the rich--in the form of new jobs, investments, and just plain spending their money on whatever they want to spend it on. The rich are actually really good at redistributing their own wealth, as long as they are given the freedom to do it and are not buried under oppressive tax rates!