Posted on 05/31/2011 12:32:57 PM PDT by Free ThinkerNY
Is Mitt Romney trying to woo the teenage girl vote ahead of next year's presidential election?
In a potentially campaign-changing development, the 2012 presidential hopeful admitted to NBC's Jamie Gangel that he happens to be a fan of the "Twilight" series. The revelation came up during a discussion of books the former Massachusetts governor has read, including George W. Bush's recent memoir. But that's not all, Romney added.
"I like silly stuff, too," Romney volunteered. "I like the 'Twilight' series. That was fun."
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EEEOOOUUUUWWW I’m a female and think that cr@p is sappy.I think he is the first guy I’ve ever seen who would admit he likes that cr@p.
A Mormon wrote it... so Romney was probably required to read it.
Mormon Vampires with mystical underwear?
Actually that’s a pretty good concept for a cartoon.
Beats the hell out of Yu-Gi-Oh!.
1. Are there vampires on Kolob?
(when will the paleomedia cover this?)
2. Why is Romney drunk again thinking about HIS FAVORITE vampire?
Very nice car!!
Well, Mitt, I’m sure this little glimps into your life will bring you many votes/sarc
I am not a Romney fan at all, but I will give him kudos for reading those. He could have read them to screen for his teenage grandchildren, like I did. My daughter is so strict she went NO WAY! But when the grands complained to me, I got her permission to buy them and screen them for her since she’s so busy. Turned out they were just good triumphing over evil.
Then I got hooked. The writing in the Twilight series of books is some of the most excellent writing I’ve seen in my time for sci-fi fiction. The author had the ability to completely suck you back into the painful years of first love and adoration in a manner that was not hokey at all. Remember when you hated to be parted from your new love even for a day? Guys too. It was great feeling like a teenager again. And the other world she created was totally believable. And if you read the books first before seeing the movie it took a lot of the scarey out of seeing those vampires and werewolves the first time.
But I will warn you if you’re screening them for children, the book presents some of the vampires and the werewolves as good guys, and they are in the books. But when the teens get through reading them, remind them that in the real world, the bad guys really are ALWAYS the bad guys until it’s proven they aren’t. There’s not a lot of middle ground in the real world. And that’s a mistake that they don’t want to make in judgment.
Even my big bad old cowboy brothers read them when I told them about it and offered them my books. They loved it...the bad guys were so believable bad and the rumbles were very manly stuff. Then we all went to see the movies together. Was fun for us oldsters.
I would recommend it as good reading for any adult, unless of course you are the kind that doesn’t appreciate fiction at all, or especially sci-fi.
Don’t knock somebody on their reading adventures...knock them on their records. Romney has some seriously bad governance issues.
just when I thought he could not have said anything more stupid than he stands by Romneycare...
this is who the insider GOP (rino) elites have as their favorites.
(this is right up there with “mother’s don’t let you boys play with ken dolls”)
Per Aleiss in her article: A crucial Mormon belief is that humans can become divine. In the Twilight series, the Cullen family of vampires once was human but now lives without death in a resurrected condition. Meyer describes the Cullens, particularly Edward, as godlike and inhumanly beautiful.
So. Mormons-who-become-gods are compared by this author to vampire creatures. Interesting parallel.
And who might be the "godlike," "inhumanly beautiful" Head Vampire might be?
Why, just go to the Bible, where passages from Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 seem to describe Lucifer as he was making the transition from angel to head devil:
'Godlike': I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:14)
'Inhumanly beautiful':
11 The word of the LORD came to me:
12 "Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
" 'You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;
every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold;
on the day you were created they were prepared.
14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub,
for so I ordained you.
You were on the holy mount of God;
you walked among the fiery stones.
15 You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.
16 Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.
17 Your heart became proud on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.
So I threw you to the earth;
I made a spectacle of you before kings.
(Ezekiel 28:11-17)
Yup. Jesus said people become like angels in eternity minus marriage partners. Mormonisms Joseph Smith always trumped Jesus, though.
He and his followers now claim that families are forever including a woman who may marry three men over her lifetime. If she was sealed to each man for eternity in a Mormon temple marriage, then guess who has three husbands and sleeps with said husbands over the course of eternity per Mormonism?
Mormons are big on angels. Its not a cross that adorns their temples, but an angel Moroni a dead man a ghost who Joseph Smith said appeared to him to show him golden plates.
Imagine that. Resting your entire life and eternity on a 14 yo boy who said a ghost appeared to him.
Author is a mormon,,,,
Why does he do these kind of things to himself?
EXCELLENT! I was just thinking how Buffy would kick Twilight butt from here to Sunnydale. (I’ve only seen the first Twilight movie and thought it was just a big-screen “Buffy wannabe”).
Better hairdoo too
Why even bring Christianity and the Bible into it at all? It may have had some symbolism in the author’s or illustrator’s mind on a deeper level, but she definitely was not trying to teach religious dogma at all! It was just a fun series of sci-fi.
It is so irking (and I am a Southern Baptist) that there are some that have to find a reason to take the just plain old fun out of a reading exercise. There was no deep hypnosis of our children going on in those books to suck them into believing bad is good. In fact the monsters were trying to redeem themselves for good to triumph over their evil beginnings.
My own pastor and I had a huge disagreement over Halloween and he tried to force us to change it to ‘the Harvest Festival’ and not let the kids dress up like casper the friendly ghost, and pumpkins, et al. He felt it was some kind of threat to religious teachings. I said fine, we can just take our Halloween fun and go somewhere else with it. We don’t HAVE to get together at the church. They were going to have fishing games and playing games where you win prizes at church Harvest Festival. If you are going to get technical on me, that is gambling!
And I told him what better way to teach your children the difference between paganism and Christianity. Or that the events in the Bible were real, not fiction or evil rituals. And your relationship with God through the Spirit is real. And warn them that Satan also is vying for a relationship with them in paganistic ritual and and temptation to do things that are wrong.
It doesn’t have to be can also be fun! And though we need to teach our children about the bad, they are much more receptive to something that is fun before you get to the serious part.
Oh, who knows. Character identification perhaps?
Here you have the Cullen family of vamps. And here you have this Mormon author, Meyer, who describes the Cullens, particularly Edward, as godlike and inhumanly beautiful.
Romney, if he's a typical temple Mormon, already sees himself as a "god in embryo" -- a fave Mormon leader term for their sheep.
As for "inhumanly beautiful" -- consider Romney's BLOODline: One of the "original" Mormons in his family from whom Romney was descended was Lds "apostle" Parley Pratt.
Pratt was a womanizer who had a dozen simultaneous wives, including marrying already married (and attractive) Elenore McLean. She was married to a Customs House worker, Hector McLean, in San Francisco.
They were separated when Orson Pratt married her, raising the provocative jealousy of McLean and vigilantes who then knifed and shot Pratt dead in Arkansas.
Here's how Sally Denton in a book described Orson Pratt's physical features and 'missionary ways': "He had single-handedly converted hundreds of Saints, who idolized him. He had dark brows that framed deep-set luminous eyes, and his receding hairline was counterbalanced by tufts of curls at the base of his neck. An air of spirituality and confidence attracted his women proselytes, with sexual overtones marking his steady rise in the church. In the mystical and sensual temple endowment ceremonies, Pratt most often played the choice role of Adam, where, in the elaborate drama, women were thrust into his 'tempation' in the staged Garden of Eden. Only if they failed to succumb were they considered godly enough to receive their anointings. As early as 1846 a fellow apostle claimed that, while a missionary, Pratt would 'seduce girls and females and sleep & have connexion with them contrary to the law of God.' In his defense, Pratt attributed the allegations to his misunderstandings of celestial marriage. The following year, [Brigham] Young accused Pratt of committing adultery but stopped short of excommunicating him." (Source: American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857, p. 110, Vintage Books, 2003)
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