On the surface, it appears that the globalization is driven by the demdn for goods and services. But that is well planned faux gremlin. In reality, globalization is driven by the lust for absolute power which the ultimately powerful, the bankers, desire. Globalization now is a repeat of the establishment of the FED way back when the most powerful men in the world met on Jekyl Island to plan the future of America, to reign it in from Independence. A small cadre of people more powerful than Georgie Sorass have globalization as their goal, the surrendering of national borders as protection from change. The hope barry bastard spoke of is the hope held in the plotting black hearts of these globalist designers. The change is the destruction of national sovereognties, just as the We The People sovereignty was surrenders piece by piece to the banking powerful.
Wow! Need more coffee to make my fingers and brain sinc up ... so many typos, so little time.