Why is the FBI getting involved? I think people overall are just sick and tired of the federal government and state control. Is the FBI going to investigate the Sheriffs department that gunned down the Marine hero?
The ambushed and murdered Sherrif Sergeant was a Marine who served in Desert Storm.
In addition to his outstanding service to Bexar County, do you think he might also qualify as a hero?
Whoa the big guy. I’m all for the government keeping it’s noes out of my paycheck and other things, but when a cop goes down, I want the hammers of hell to come down on the bad guys. Cops male mistakes too and the full story of that other occurrence hasn’t been told, but the last thing I want are people feeling free to take out cops.
Did it ever occur to you that the San Antonio PD may just want all the help they can get and that’s why many different agencies are assisting?
The FBI assists in LEO murders all over the country if asked for assistance.