Police are above the law when it comes to civil and criminal responsibility for their actions.
Yes. It seems everyone - left, right, whatever - is getting tired of it, but not a lot is being done about it.
Everytime I read about cops pointing their weapons at little children it pisses me off. How is a 2 year old a threat? How can any rational person do that. What’s he gonna do if the 2 year old doesn’t follow instructions? Shoot them?
Another example of sloppy reporting.
Whichever department raided the house needs to take responsibility. Compensate the family, make a public apology on the evening news, and fire the lead investigator at the scene.
” The East Palo Alto City Council rejected the claim on an unanimous vote. “
So much for the ‘ample civil remedies’ referred to by the Indiana Supreme Court, and, at least by implication, by the USSC, in recent rulings....
And how will that be proved, unless their identities are revealed which I'm betting they will resist and probably, courts will uphold.
After all, why else do these (mostly) COWARDLY, Rambo-like-wannabe, GOONS, wear masks?
All other LEO's go about their duties easily recognizable, so what gives these thugs special dispensation, other than to protect them when things go south, which happen more often than not?