To: Nik Naym
>Funny how several FReepers were accused by the zotted one of being liberals and/or Obama supporters yet the line about guns and Idaho was eerily similar to that of Obama and his 'cling to God and guns' shtick.
230 posted on
05/26/2011 10:08:04 PM PDT by
(Ron Paul and his flaming antiwar spam monkeys can Kiss my Ass!!" -- Jim Robinson, 09/30/07)
To: South40; uscabjd; Nik Naym
Funny how several FReepers were accused by the zotted one of being liberals and/or Obama supporters yet the line about guns and Idaho Good catch, clearly a DNC plant. If you don't support the Sodomite Agenda you are a crazy "gun nut", what ever that is, and must be a Branch Davidian type. Typical Libtard reaction.
252 posted on
05/26/2011 10:16:53 PM PDT by
Clint N. Suhks
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