All that’s left is for Perry to drive the stake through the heart...
Trans-Texas Corridor PING!
A man’s got to know his limitations. I know I don’t need to be driving 85 mph. I’ll stay in the righthand lane and feel free to wave as you pass me by.
It should be dead and I hope Perry signs it
took long enough.
“Legislators did keep a provision that was allowed under the authority of the Trans Texas Corridor: the potential of 85 mph speed limits on certain highways that are properly engineered to handle the higher speeds.”
The TTC would have had a separation between lanes for heavy trucks, and those for lighter vehicles. I wouldn’t want to be on a highway, where semis travel at 85 mph, on all sides of me.
Boy, we had some really LIVELY debates on this scam. Funny, I don’t see the defenders of the TTC around here anymore...not for the past two years.
Perhaps they’re busy working on Perry’s presidential run now?
I’ve heard about this ‘highway’ but can someone from TX give more details on it? What was the purpose to begin with?
I heard some years ago that the ultimate route was all the way to Canada? Does that sound right? Anyway just wondered if someone could provide some more details.
Time to kill it real good!
The TTC affair alone should be enough to disqualify Goodhair for serious consideration as a potential POTUS. Throw in his Guardasil fiasco and his penchant for getting his good ol’ boy buddies sweet deals on the state dime and you essentially have a democrat. Which he once was openly.
Timeline of the Progress Toward a North American Union
November 13, 1979: While officially declaring his candidacy for U.S. President, Ronald Reagan proposes a North American Agreement which will produce a North American continent in which the goods and people of the three countries will cross boundaries more freely.