It will be interesting to watch the MSM and other liberal deal with Cain.
Barry will say something like this.
“The biggest decision my opponent has made is whether to offer the monkey bread or the chocolate chip cookie as the dessert in the deal of the month.”
Then, it will be open season on Cain, who I like above all candidates. The MSM will mock his experience in the private sector, and probably find some disgruntled Godfather’s employees who will talk of pubic hairs on a Coke can.
Right now they are trying to ignore him.
Easy. Just go back and see how they treated Clarence Thomas. You haven't seen racism until you've seen the leftwing a-holes deal with a conservative black.
Easy. Just go back and see how they treated Clarence Thomas. You haven't seen racism until you've seen the leftwing a-holes deal with a conservative black.
It will be interesting to watch the MSM and other liberal deal with Cain.
OK this is how they will deal with him. When he does NOT get the nomination, they will unceasingly and ferociously attack the rank-and-file Republicans/conservatives/Tea Party patriots for being racists.
That’s how they will deal with it. They’ll turn a candidacy that you think will prove we’re not racists into more “proof” we are.
That’s it.
Liberals always turn their own biases on the opposition.
BO is NOT an American Black, he is an OWNED PUPPET (by Soros, radical communists, radical islamists, et al).
The MSM will call Herman Cain a whitey puppet in an attempt to hide BO’s strings.