For those in less liberal Northern California... your vote just became obsolete...
Nationally, the electoral college still would convene. What I fear is that California delegates and all other delegates from states that have chosen this approach, would then "vote their conscience" setting up a whole new constitutional crisis.
The exact opposite: The votes in Northern CA now count. If the voters could help the Republican win the popular vote, the Republican candidate could lose the popular vote in CA by a few hundred thousand and still get all of CA electoral votes. For example, Bush lost CA by 1.3 million votes and lost the popular vote by 544,000 votes. If Bush could have picked up 5% of Gore votes 5.9 million votes via campaigning in CA, Bush wins the popular vote and gets CA 54 electoral votes, although he would have lost the popular vote by a half a million votes. Also people in Northern CA, might be more incline to vote since their vote would add to the popular vote; hence, might have an impact during a close election.
Bush ostensibly lost the popular vote by one half of one percent. (I am sure Democratic voter fraud counted for more than that.) Can you image the turmoil that would be caused by having to check the whole country to determine who get CA’s 54 electoral votes!
Not that I'm keen on seeing this happen across the US, it actually makes CA more competitive. Northerners' votes have been rendered irrelevant since the illegals, enviros, gays, etc, took over that state from the southern/coastal half.
If the northern CA voters cast ballots that help tip the balance of the popular vote, that puts CA back in play. Otherwise, CA's 55 EV are a permanent lock for the Left.