These are no-brainer suggestion in a real world.
Clearly, Obama has not read Chapter 8 of The Closed Circle, The Impact of Nazism, or Chapter 10, Arabia and Oil, or Chapter 11, The Issue of Palestine. Many of us have, and Bibi has actually lived it.
How there can be any yielding on Israel's part to the continuing murderous position of all its muslims neighbors is incomprehensible.
That would go beyond a suicide pact, it enters the territory of willingly participating in its own destruction.
As free people (I think, still) I can't countenance Americans NOT supporting Israel, or permanently condemning the Murdering Muslim Mass Murderers..
His thoughts on East Jerusalem were along the lines of ‘who needs it?’. It is just an old city, doesn't really mean anything. And I will not have to do millu’im (military reserve duty) anymore, and there will be Peace everywhere.
The guy actually thought that if they give land to Jordan, the military would be cut in half. I could never tell if he really believed this, or if he just really wanted to believe this out of frustration. I didn't want to agrue that his plan would just cause more war, not less. Arafat was offered a deal pretty close to this once, and he rejected it, preferring to continue the intifada. The PLO does not want territory, they want the whole state. all or nothing.
I think it is too late for this to be offered again. There is just too much investment in the shtock'im (west bank) to just give it away now. It would amount to giving away billions of dollars as well as Israel's national security to the Arabs. While many Arabs live peacefully along side the Jews, there is no chance that Jews could ever live in an Arab controlled area without being continually attacked and under constant threat of being massacred (as is happening to the Christians in Egypt as we speak). The tolerant, peaceful, religion of Islam is very well known for "not playing well with others".