“the bottom line is this. State-run, Lame Stream Media will do nothing to investigate any of this.”
Of course not, but if we let the Marxist media dictate to us what is right and wrong, we are finished as a nation, which I already think may be the case.
I am still proud to be an eligibility skeptic, despite the pseudo-elitist, nose in the air snots, including some FReepers, that think it is unseemly.
Their is NO DOUBT that the Bambie birth story has a big problem, and I would like to see it resolved.
I would also like to see the “Natural Born Citizen” rule
brought to the courts for a clear ruling.
OK, you have convinced me . . . so now, how do we “force” the media to do anything about these allegations? I need to know how we get ABC, NBC. CBS, MSNBC, to start seriously investigating Hussein Obama and his alleged bogus SSN & BC.
The only one we have on our side is FOX and they are constantly degraded by the liberal left at the above identified networks.
If I read the Constitutionas to its words the courts especially the SC is authorised only to deal with ‘citizens’ category no directive as ‘natural born citizen’ category. Of course the SC might have jurisdiction to make a ruling as to Constitutional meanining of ‘natural born’ in which case the ball for any following action would be in Congress. As I see it the SC cannot rule that ‘citizen’ is the equal or same as ‘natural born citizen’ because the Constitution’s written words call for a/the difference as to POTUSA and Representatives/Senators. At least I assume the explicit words of the Constitution are the ‘Law of the Land’ above any court opinion.