OUR REF: AF447 AIT 7 dated May 16th 2011
- Ref 1: AF447 AIT 1 dated June 1st 2009
- Ref 2: AF447 AIT 2 dated June 4th 2009
- Ref 3: AF447 AIT 3 dated June 8th 2009
- Ref 4: AF447 AIT 4 dated July 2nd 2009
- Ref 5: AF447 AIT 5 dated July 30th 2009
- Ref 6: AF447 AIT 6 dated April 03rd 2011
This AIT is an update of the previous AIT 6 concerning the AF447 accident which occurred over the Atlantic Ocean on June 1st, 2009.
It has been approved for release by the French BEA who lead the investigation as per European Regulation and ICAO Annex 13 International Recommendations.
Following underwater search campaigns and subsequent operations, the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) were recovered.
Data extraction of both recorders have been performed at the BEA facilities in the presence of two German investigators from BFU, an American investigator from NTSB, two British investigators from AAIB and two Brazilian investigators from CENIPA, as well as an officer from the French judicial police and a court expert.
Data from DFDR and CVR have been successfully downloaded. At this stage of the preliminary analysis of DFDR Airbus has no immediate recommendation to raise to operators. [emphasis mine]
Further update will be provided as soon as new significant information becomes available or as soon as Airbus will be authorized to share more information in compliance with investigation rules.
Yannick Malinge
Senior Vice President
Chief Product Safety Officer
Here's today's press release from Airbus:
Airbus statement regarding media reports about the AF447 investigationSome recent media reports about the AF447 accident mention an information note issued by Airbus to its customers. The purpose of this document, known as an AIT (Accident Information Telex), is to provide operators with information related to potential safety recommendations that may derive from an accident investigation.
For this reason, an AIT has to be approved by the authority that manages the investigation; in this case, the BEA (Bureau dEnquêtes et dAnalyses French civil aviation safety Investigations and Analysis Bureau). This AIT was approved by the BEA before being issued by Airbus to its customers and does not include any safety recommendation at this stage of the investigation.
Airbus strongly disagrees with any form of speculation in the scope of the safety investigation and deplores all inappropriate communication concerning such a serious event that should be handled with professionalism and dignity.
In cooperation with Air France and the authorities, and since the very first days of the accident, Airbus has been supporting the search for the aircraft as well as the technical investigation to identify all lessons to be learnt in the sole interest of air transport safety.
In this context, Airbus continues to support the BEA which is leading the investigation with expertise.