It’s unfortunate. They get one shot a democracy. If they vote Islamic it could be their last.
But the army still has its core competencies, weapons, leaders and commanders. It will be years before the army crumbles. They are just layin low. The army are the same people who kept Mubarak in power and kept the islamists at bay.
Could get interesting, i suppose it depends at first on how many islamists are in the army. But over the medium term, money woes will be the Egyptian’s downfall. They lost their #1 source of income - tourism. It’s not like Egypt will suddenly become a mighty industrial power, or build textile industry, or even produce foods for export. There will be so few jobs and so little money it is a recipe for chaos to mix it with Islamism. Chaos requires order, order means army.
We shall see... Hopefully Israel won’t have too much trouble from this lot. Their problems won’t be resolved by conflict, though these folks have a history of using conflict to deflect their own shortcomings, they really cant afford a war. They used to have the soviet money. No more.