I been thinking all day about this wonderful Mitt speech that will enlighten us boobs as to just why he okay Romneycare, why he had to do it, why it was okay then but Obamacare is not okay now....on and on.
I thought to myself, well what possible justification could the man have? A justification that would convince me, that is.
Because I don’t care that it was a state thing, I don’t care that the Mass legislature was filled with liberal Democrats, I don’t care that health care costs were dragging the state through the mud....a Conservative would never espouse any kind of huge government takeover like happened with Romneycare.
Bear in mind, residents of Mass MUST buy health insurance. I got relatives in Mass....relatives now prepping to move out in large part because of the burden this Romneycare puts upon them.
How could I ever vote FOR someone who signed such a thing into law?
Because Romney could have VETOED the thing.
I don’t care that he changed this and he changed that and I don’t care that it would have been far worse without his pressure and I don’t care that the Mass legislature would have over-ridden his veto.
The man signed into being a law that requires citizens to purchase health insurance if they wanted to live there. No, it’s not car insurance, not the same thing. Without car insurance, if that be the case, you don’t drive.
You don’t get health insurance...what? You don’t live?
Or did Romney veto the bill and I don’t know what I’m talking about? Wouldn’t be the first time.
Because no other excuse will make him right for me except if he’d done everything in his executive power to stop the bill. If he did not, he should not pee upon my feet and tell me it’s raining.
You’re tougher than me. I was willing to give him a pass if he’d admitted it was a mistake.
Know we know, he is a radical socialist. The battle against socialized medicine is the last stand. He just admitted he’s our enemy.
Actually, it's worse. The Massachusetts leg didn't shove this puppy down Romney's throat -- it was his idea from the get go!
Sure, given the preponderant Dem majorities, Romney immediately lost control of the legislation -- but it was his idea in the first place!
So, one might justifiably conclude either:
1. Romney is, at bottom, a liberal collectivist.
2. Or a totally incompetent politician.
3. Both of the above.