I was a Paul supporter last time around but I had no real hope of him winning because I trusted the polls - and they were mostly right.
Don't get me wrong, Paultards and their painted bedsheets do have a certain entertainment value.
This time around he is polling much better, and until and unless some other stronger candidate enters the race, Paul is the best chance we have to beat Obama.
Put down the bong.
Could care less about gay marraige [sic].
In other words, you support it.
Not sure about gays in military... I kinda liked dont ask dont tell.
Again, you support sodomy.
No abortion beyond early first term.
And the murder of 53 MILLION INNOCENT AMERICANS is just fine with you.
Are you going to tattle to Jim Rob?
I'm pretty sure Jim wants to know about abortionist trolls who support militant homosexualism.
I pinged Jim WAAAAY back.