Gov't subsidies and mandates are the reason why we're in the mess that we're in now. Let the market work on its own, and let people fail so they can learn from their mistakes and become better.
Yup, and I explained then that Ryan was most likely setting a precedent by eliminating the oil subsidies. Now with his proposing elimination of farm subsidies, it appears he's being consistent.
Ryan isn't stupid, and he, along with a handful of others are going after the low hanging fruit and trying to chop down the spending tree, one whack at a time. He sure as hell would like to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency, Dept. of Energy, Department of Education, Health and Human Services. The reality is he has to change the mindset and hopefully create a fervor for cutting/eliminating federal programs.
Assholes like Eric Cantor and John Boehner just collect paychecks reaching across the aisle, watching our country being destroyed. By their inaction, the lying bastards are complicit in bankrupting America. Personally, I'd fire both of them immediately.
Ryan, Bachmann, DeMint, Palin (yeah, she only has one vote as a civilian) and a few others are earning their pay. The rest of the gutless weasels can go to hell.