That HAS to be the question of day! Sorry, but I am convinced Obama is on THEIR side deep down in his heart and this is his way of helping them. They had him dead to rights when it came to ordering OBL taken out, but now he feels compelled to limit the damage by making sure Bin Laden’s underlings and contacts know the news out.
I know it sounds far-fetched, and downright conspiratorial, but sadly I can think of no other reason to make so much info available so quickly. It sure looks like he rushed to make sure OBL’s underlings would know they had no time to lose in finding new digs.
I can't tell you how badly it makes me feel to have to express this kind of sentiment about the POTUS.
“I know it sounds far-fetched”
Did you read the thread before you posted? This thinking is out on the lunatic fringe.