Paul is anti torture...etc.
Paul’s gang is there hollering,, stupid.they ought topull them out!
“Pauls gang is there hollering,, stupid.they ought topull them out!”
They also stacked the deck on the live postings right below the video. Overall, it was not a good night for the GOP. Paulbots may be fervent in their support, but come primary time, he’s history.
Paul, the guaranteed NO vote on everything (many very good, some very bad)
Cain, too much textbook management BS, otherwise he avoided being a political weasel.
Pawlenty, got his candidacy capped by his own cap and trade history
Santorum, sanctimonious trying to convince us he is the most conservative and can win elections, uh Arlen Specter support and 2006 election.
The other guy, a Jerry Brown kumbaya kinda guy.
The presence of Trump, Romney, Gingrich, and Huckabee may have livened it up a bit but, the event still would have been a loser, because those guys are losers too.
Time for Palin or Bachmann to ride in on the white horse.