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To: SJackson; All

Grover Norquist aiding Iranian regime through group linked to NIAC
Jihad Watch ^ | 12-27-11

Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 8:06:45 AM by SJackson

Jihad Watch

Grover Norquist aiding Iranian regime through group linked to NIAC

Grover Norquist's numerous unsavory ties to jihadists and Islamic supremacists are abundantly documented in Pamela Geller's expose here. And on the House floor in October, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) said of Norquist, "Documentation shows that he has deep ties to supporters of Hamas and other terrorist organizations that are sworn enemies of the United States and our ally Israel.” He pointed out that “around the years 2000 and 2001, Mr. Norquist’s firm represented Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was convicted two years later for his role in a terrorist plot and who is presently serving a 23-year sentence in federal prison.”

Norquist, reported Wolf, “also associated with terror financier Sami Al-Arian, according to Mary Jacoby’s reporting in March 2003, in the St. Petersburg Times. Al-Arian pled guilty in 2006 'to a charge of conspiring to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a specially designated terrorist organization, in violation of U.S. law,' and is under house arrest, according to a Department of Justice press release. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s ‘paramilitary wing—the al-Quds Brigades—has conducted numerous attacks, including large-scale suicide bombings,’ according to the National Counterterrorism Center.”

As if all that weren't enough, now it comes out that Norquist has been working with a group linked to both Hamas-linked CAIR and the stealth Islamic Republic of Iran lobbying group, NIAC -- a group led by the likes of Trita Parsi and Reza Aslan.

"Iran's Islamist Regime and the American Helping It," by Manda Zand Ervin in Hudson NY, December 26 (thanks to Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi):

The unelected regime that is currently controlling Iran has a reputation for spending Iranian national assets around the world to buy friends and good will -- a necessary part of its plan to remain in power and continue its unappealing behavior, such as financing terrorism around the world and abrogating its commitment under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty by developing nuclear weapons.

An American Thinker expose recently stated that the Khomeinist regime has been assisted in perpetuating these activities thanks to the support of a Washington lobbyist, Grover Norquist, and his involvement with the American Conservative Defense Alliance (ACDA). ACDA has actively supported the Campaign for a New American Policy for Iran (CNAPI), which in turn is linked both to the Council for American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] and the National Iranian American Council (NIAC).

A recent CBS "60 Minutes" program states that Grover Norquist is "the most powerful conservative man in Washington." If that is true, his support for these groups is troubling. The Iranian American community widely believes NIAC – ACDA's partner in many of its efforts -- to be a Washington lobby group for the Khomeinist regime leadership. NIAC has long advocated unconditional negotiations with Tehran, and the total abandonment of all economic sanctions and military options against the Iranian regime.

NIAC's advocacy appears as a deftly veiled refusal to support the Iranian democracy activists and the Iranian freedom movement. This is not only un-American but contradicts all conservative ideals.

The founder of NIAC, Trita Parsi is an unpopular figure within the Iranian-American community, as can be seen from his high disapproval ratings in a July 2011 poll of over 1800 Iranian Americans taken by the Pro-Democracy Movement of Iran. Senator Jon Kyl has called for an investigation into Trita Parsi and his work. Last month, on November 5, Parsi stated that criticism of Iran should be "punishable."

What these lobbyists recount to Americans such as Norquist and the members of the US government are distortions and lies. The lobbyists claim that the majority of the people of Iran are religious; that they are happy with this blight of a regime, and that economic sanctions only hurt the people. They say that military intervention will only strengthen the resolve of the Iranian people to fight on the side of the regime, and that support for the freedom movement will discourage the Islamic regime from coming to the negotiating table. These statements are simply not true.

In the 32 years that have passed since Iran was hijacked by this regime, every elected U.S. president -- from Jimmy Carter, to President Reagan on down to President Obama -- has tried to negotiate with the Islamic regime. Not only have these negotiations been for naught, they have allowed Iran to buy time to continue building its illegal nuclear weapons program. The latest IAEA report now puts the Iranian Revolutionary Guards nearer completing their nuclear bomb than ever before.

Since the end of the Cold War, the Islamists have historically been a friend to the far left; they are now looking to American conservatives on the right to join them to obtain the further legitimacy they think they require when approaching the government.

Here is what Trita Parsi wrote in emails to CNAPI participants, as quoted in the recent American Thinker expose: "… Grover Norquist offered his support but did not sign‐on. He exemplifies not just a powerful voice in the Republican Party, but also an important figure that can provide transpartisan legitimacy to our efforts. I think it is critical that we do whatever can be done to get him to sign on, especially since his full involvement would give our efforts a tremendous credibility boost."

If Mr. Norquist is supporting these apparently unabashed lobbyists out of a humanitarian concern for the people of Iran, he should know that a large majority of Iranian people have no problem with economic sanctions if they result in the removal of this illegitimate, dictatorial regime, and help the empowerment of the people to establish a government by the people of Iran, for the people of Iran.

As President Obama said: "The people who are on the side of the dictators, are on the wrong side of history."

As a new American and a conservative, I am fighting for the rights of all the deprived men, women and children of Iran.

I wonder if Mr. Norquist would be interested in hearing the true side of the story, or does "The Most Powerful Conservative Man in Washington" know it already -- but not care?

Manda Zand Ervin's contact information for Mr. Norquist is the email form at the website:


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413 posted on 12/27/2011 7:52:07 AM PST by MestaMachine (obama kills)
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Iranian-American Lobbying Group Defrauded Feds, Lied to Congressmen, Paid for Testimony Jihad Watch ^ | 12-27-11

Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 8:04:51 AM by SJackson

Jihad Watch

Court Docs: Iranian-American Lobbying Group NIAC Defrauded Feds, Lied to Congressmen, Paid for Congressional Testimony, and Arranged Secret US/Iran Meetings

Pamela Geller has just published this revealing and important message from the Iranian-American human rights activist Arash Irandoost:

Dear Friend,

It is time to act. Court documents released as a result of a lawsuit filed by NIAC against Hassan Dai paint a very disturbing picture of Trita Parsi and the NIAC. They range from defrauding the federal government, lying to members of Congress, arranging secret meetings between the US and the criminal regime, to recent revelation that Trita Parsi paid Anne Singleton to provide testimony to U.S. Congress. NIAC has lied about its membership numbers. It claimed once that it had 33,000 members and now court documents reveal that it has less than 500 members and is not even willing to disclose them, we think the number to be even lower. As a 501 c3 tax exempt, NIAC refuses to disclose its audit and tax reports. Many credible news organizations have expressed concern about NIAC's activities. NIAC has falsely claimed that it represents Iranian Americans. While it is shunned from the Iranian-American community and does not even answer questions raised by the Iranian-Americans, a constituency he purports to represent. Have you asked why?

On February 26, 2011, NIAC held a public event in Plano, Texas and claimed that it was sponsored by the Press Club and Dallas and The World Affairs Council. Since Trita would not let us record the event and our questions were filtered and altered, I called and objected to event sponsors, to my surprise, I was told by both organization (I have documents) that they had not heard of the event and had not sponsored the event. Do we really want such a deceitful organization to represent us? NIAC's stooge Ambassador, Sirros Amoie whose family recently returned to Iran????, falsely claimed that I was a part of the MEK organization.

There is just no limit to Trita's lies and slanders. Much like IRI officials who use Taggiyeh to justify their crimes and hide their nuclear activity, Trita Parsi is adept at Calumniation. Trita falsely charges others with malicious intent, attacks the good name and reputation of others who are opposed to him. Yes Trita lies! Much like its IRI masters! About 5 months ago we had reached more than 2,700 members in a similar cause like this against NIAC but the NIAC Cyber Army was able to deceive the CAUSE administrators and bring the cause down, as it was reported and bragged about by NIAC's Jamal Abdi.

Have you ever wondered why NIAC does not allow comments on its articles, websites or blogs?

Have you asked why Trita Parsi was paid by CIA?

Have you NIAC why Trita Parsi has a Swedish bank account and who were the depositors and why he did not pay taxes on it?

Trita Parsi was intimately involved with the convicted Congressman Bob Ney to help IRI get around the US-Iran sanctions.

Do you know who was behind the Pugwash meetings?

Have you asked why the PARSA Foundation (now closed down) donated thousands of dollars to NIAC?

NIAC held a Leadership Conference in October, many who attended were not even Iranian-Americans, have you asked why they were allowed to roam the Hall of our Nations's Capitol and talk to our representatives? Trita Parsi is not an Iranian-American, how can he represent our interests.Our grievances against NIAC and Trita Parsi are plenty! For questions are many.

It is our belief that the Obama Administration is working closely with NIAC to appease the Islamic Republic and bring it to the negotiations table, a regime that attempted to assassinate a foreign diplomat on our soil. We believe that the IRI cannot be reformed and the Islamic Republic have ulterior motives, just look at their own writings and statements:

“Killing is a great Divine gift.”

Ayatollah Khomeini: “Those who say Islam should not kill don't understand [it]. Killing is a great [divine] gift that appears [to man]. A religion that does not include [provisions for] killing and massacre is incomplete. Those who claim that Jesus was averse to killing and war, harm his prophetic mission… Killing is the same as mercy."

“Violence is the heart of Islam.”

Ayatollah Yazdi – Senior Advisor to Ahmadinejad and IRGC Leaders: “We must wipe away the shameful stain whereby some people imagine that violence has no place in Islam… we have decided and are determined to argue that violence is the heart of Islam.”

Examples are many!

Let's choose a candidate that respects and values our opinions. Obama turned his back when Neda was shot as he has turned his back on us and works with organizations that advocate for policies favorable to the criminal and rapist regime.

It is time to act. Every member, every call, every fax, every letter, every petition to your representatives counts. Do your duty for Iran and the United States. Let them know what you think!

Let them know you/we matter! Sincerely, Arash Irandoost Founder, Pro Democracy Movement of Iran

Geller has more on NIAC in her recent American Thinker article, "Why Obama Betrayed the Iranian People":

Trita Parsi is the president of the George Soros-funded National Iranian American Council (NIAC), a powerful Iranian lobbying group in Washington. Arash Irandoost of the Pro-Democracy Movement of Iran calls Parsi "an intellectually dishonest regime apologist and an unofficial and unregistered lobbyist for the Iranian regime." According to Irandoost, "Trita Parsi contributes to the regime's agenda and serves the interests of those in power in the Islamic Republic of Iran, not the Iranians, nor the Iranian-Americans."

And the Progressive American-Iranian Committee says that when NIAC and Parsi received funding for various projects from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), "NIAC's projects were approved and welcomed by the Iranian regime." NIAC coordinated its work inside Iran with Hamyaran, a "government initiated agency incepted, initiated, founded and managed by the Iranian regime." NIAC and Parsi even lobbied the U.S. Congress to "stop appropriating funds for independent democratic movements and NGOs that were not under Hamyaran or regime's control."

Not surprisingly, Parsi opposes sanctions against the Islamic Republic, claiming that "imposing new sanctions prior to diplomacy having begun will only decrease the chances of successful diplomacy." The NIAC has opposed sanctions for quite some time. Iranian dissident Hassan Daioleslam notes that "in 2008, when [the] U.S. Congress was showing some teeth to the Iranian regime," a coalition of Islamic groups, antiwar groups, and others founded the Campaign for New American Policy on Iran to fight against new sanctions against Iran called for by the advisory resolution H.R. 362. This resolution was not passed, and "NIAC and Parsi," says Daioleslam, "were on top of this event."

And who is on the NIAC Board? Stealth Islamic supremacist Reza Aslan is on the NIAC Board. It is no surprise in light of Aslan's NIAC connection that he has tried to pass off Iran's genocidally-minded President Ahmadinejad as a liberal reformer. He has called on the U.S. Government to negotiate with Ahmadinejad himself, as well as with Hamas -- that is, with two of the most barbaric and murderous adherents of Sharia.

Aslan has even praised the jihad terror group Hizballah as "the most dynamic political and social organization in Lebanon," as well as the Jew-hating, women-hating, kuffar-hating Muslim Brotherhood, which is dedicated in its own words to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within." Aslan wrote: "The Muslim Brotherhood will have a significant role to play in post-Mubarak Egypt. And that is good thing." If, in 1932, someone had written that "the National Socialist Party will have a significant role to play in post-Weimar Germany, and that is a good thing," he would have rightly been called a Nazi sympathizer.

Aslan has also spoken at events sponsored by the Muslim Students Association, a Brotherhood group, and at an event co-sponsored by the Los Angeles chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and moderated by the notorious Edina Lekovic, the Muslim Public Affairs Council flack whom Steve Emerson caught lying on national television, denying she was editor of a Muslim student publication that praised Osama bin Laden as a great mujahid. Emerson produced copies of the rag showing Lekovic's name on the masthead as editor on the very same page on which the praise for Osama appeared.


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414 posted on 12/27/2011 8:02:28 AM PST by MestaMachine (obama kills)
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