Thank God! Now if we can just get Jane Fonda to admit her actual age!!!!!
Here’s a mulatto marxist muslim moron who has NO idea who his real father was, or where he was born, or why he had a ‘father’ for a while but NEVER actually co-habitated with him at ANY time, who had another ‘father’ who was a muslim in a foreign country who adopted him, who has only a handful of childhood friends who even remotely remember the guy, who did crack and grass, flunked out of Occidental College but somehow got into Columbia???, where NO one recalls ever having seen him or had him in a class, there are no grades, no SAT’s no PSAT, No LSat but he’s accepted into the Harvard??????Law School where he’s elected President of the Law Review over 20 other stiffs, yet NEVER EVER authored ANY legal paper on anything, who is reputed to be a closet homosexual, who operated as a bag man for the Chicago Mafia, cooked the books on an illegal house and lot sale that you and I would be in prison for, got his wife a NO SHOW $350,000/year hospital job when she didn’t know squat about anything, claimed to have written two books, one of which got him elected although it’s been conclusively proven he did NOT write EITHER, only spent 135 days in the US Senate and racked up the most LIBERAL voting record of ANY Senator in history, He is anti-American, anti-military, anti-Constitution. He hates America, loves third world dictators, and his ultimate goal is to destroy America forever!