By now, the eligibility question should no longer be about Obama but about our NATIONAL SECURITY.
The secret of Obama’s past is only a secret to the American people but certainly not to the many heads of state in this world. Their security services, by now, must know the most intimate details of Obama’s personal history.
It can safely be assumed that most American politicians, Demococrat as well as Republican, and national security agencies are well aware of Obama’s past.
Certainly, the previous president, his advisors and the opposing presidential candidate in 2008 did not spare any effort in familiarizing themselves with Obama’s family history.
Isn’t it putting our nation’s security at great risk when we have a POTUS who is so obviously vulnerable to the threat of blackmail from the many antagonistic heads of state and private individuals?
"Natural-born citizen" has ALWAYS been about our national security. However, today there are some chuckleheads who think it's really about "civil rights" -- they say everybody should get to run for/be President; it isn't "fair" otherwise.