This FOX article has the video and the entire transcript at the link.
Either click on the link above and then on the one for the full transcript under it or go Here
TPM is a leftist/liberal dem type propaganda site.
Some of the “approved” websites recommended by them (they call them TPM approved sites...) are Free Republic hater and liar Andrew Sullivan, Conason, and the despicable leftist #1 f-word champion site DailyKos.
I saw this when it showed on Fox and watched Greta try to get West to eat his words.
He socked it too her by telling her the truth must be told and didn't back down one bit on anything he said.
Lt Col Allen West is a friend of Free Republic and a Tea Party Movement favorite.
I didn't know about TPM or what TPM stands for, so thanks for the info.
It was an honor and priviledge to meet and speak to the great LTC Allen West at the FR Convention. Had I know then what I know now ... whew!!!
Have Blessed Easter!