Posted on 04/22/2011 9:49:48 AM PDT by Kaslin
Allen West for president bump.
Racist!... oh wait...
Allen West for president 2012.
No one else.
That is all.
Agree wholeheartedly with your comment as well as that of the previous poster who said he “would follow that man anywhere”.
I agree with your sentiments. Trying to out wonk Obama is a bad idea. I want to guys like West and Trump to keep it up. As Christians we are to pray for our enemies, I pray for Obama to have some sort of conversion but I feel Obama is what Malachi Martin would call a "Perfectly Possessed" person. Meaning on a metaphysical level, Obama realizes he is evil, embraces his evil thoughts and has no desire to change. West and Trump are doing G*d's work, tearing down his cult of personality, chipping away enough of the deluded to send him back to Chicago in 2012. I really do think on some level he is another Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini, sans the nationalistic tendencies. You can see the evil in his eyes and the rhetoric and demeanor of his fanatics.
This threads make the DU’s very MAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Remember we are all racists here and want guys who look like Mitt Romney and his Fembot wife in the White House. I have some serious Man Love for Col West!
considering his current position...he is High Level...
....and Marxist, not just Socialist..
I knew he was good, but I didn’t think he was gonna be THIS good! A true patriot!
And better hair.... ;)
But seriously....YES. This is a man of great courage in both word and deed. He's not afraid to tell the truth about Obama, and he is a man of great integrity.
He just doesn't get the press Trump is getting because the left is scared to death of this guy.
You can say that again
Palin/West 2012!!! Accept NO substitutes!
Ah, Mr. West, finally an honest, truthful man surfaces in America. God bless you for your service to our country and your love and service to our today the future. we are blessed that you are among us!!! Your spoken words about POTUS Obama are right on the mark!!!
I’m sorry, your question seemed kind of silly. I am supporting the man because he has the balls to speak the truth about the low grade socialist agitator who calls hiself “Obama”, when apparently no one else in the republican party does.
There’s thought in between, doesn’t mean I am going to share it though. I do what I do the way I do it. If you are interested in him, then watch hs appearances and learn about him, if you aren’t then don’t. I’m not really a sales man, I’m more along the lines of a soldier. Don’t know what more to tell you.
Here is how we can get him to run, unkus! Jump in, the water’s fine.
The Committee to Draft Allen West for President 2012
^ A 527 Political Organization formed 2 weeks ago to draft him ^
Allen West for President Face book page
LTC Allen West for President 2012 — Recruit LTC Allen West to run for President!
GO WEST IN 2012!
West for the West
Bare Naked Islam
Draft Allen West 2012 Letter to sign
Shona Darress from one of the Face Book pages, IIRC:
For all the new members, there is a letter writing drive underway to draft Allen West for President. I will be hand delivering them all to him at his town hall meeting on Tues [April 26th] along with some others who live in the area. Just write from the heart and tell him why you think he should be in the WH, put his name in the subject box and email it to me at
born February 7, 1961 in Atlanta, GA (Meets the Jus Soli Requirement)
Parents were
Herman (Buck) West, born in AL
Elizabeth (Snooks) West, born in GA
Both parents were US Citizens at the time of his birth (Meets the Jus Sanguinis Requirement)
Allen West is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN unlike Comrade Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama.
When did he attack the Birthers? Could you please provide a quote.
As a newly elected member of Congress, who received no backing from the GOP, I'm quite sure he has to tip-toe around their insane orders not to make Barry's eligibility an issue.
IMO the GOP's insanity is why Trump is the only one able to go whole hog on the issue.
I've not heard LTC West say anything as harsh as Palin or Bachmann in this regard.
However, THIS is a prime example on how he feels about the issue.
Do you have a link for the TPM article, tcrlaf?
Chris Wallace, Lawrence O'Donnell and a couple of morons on the Communist News Network have tried to get him to back down on other things he has said in the past and he will not budge!
Congressman LTC Allen West for President 2012 ... if not sooner!
This FOX article has the video and the entire transcript at the link.
Either click on the link above and then on the one for the full transcript under it or go Here
TPM is a leftist/liberal dem type propaganda site.
Some of the “approved” websites recommended by them (they call them TPM approved sites...) are Free Republic hater and liar Andrew Sullivan, Conason, and the despicable leftist #1 f-word champion site DailyKos.
I saw this when it showed on Fox and watched Greta try to get West to eat his words.
He socked it too her by telling her the truth must be told and didn't back down one bit on anything he said.
Lt Col Allen West is a friend of Free Republic and a Tea Party Movement favorite.
No one else.
That is all.
I'm with you!
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