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To: RaceBannon
 Arab News Article:  
“To speed up production time, some halal slaughterhouses have begun using an integrated approach to traditional, Islamically-recognized handslaughtering,” the authors of the book said.

One method mentioned is the mechanical or machine slaughtering approach, which was first initiated by slaughterhouses in Western countries and which has gained momentum as being acceptable in other Muslim countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

The method consists of a Muslim pronouncing the name of Allah as he switches on a machine that inserts a cut into an animal’s neck. The problem, however, according to the authors, is that up to 30 percent of the initial incisions made to the animal by the machine does not accurately go all the way through in killing the animal the first time. There is, therefore, a second Muslim butcher standing by to re-cut the neck to conclude the procedure, causing undo suffering to the animal. The book also stated that some non-Muslim companies who are diversifying their product lines to include halal products have got round certain Islamic procedures to gain certification. “Some companies have been found to use a recording of a Muslim pronouncing the name of Allah before the butcher proceeds with slaughter,” it said.
FROM COSTCO supplier of lamb - Australian Lamb Company:

Thank you for your inquiry.

I can confirm that all of the lamb supplied to Costco Wholesale by the Australian Lamb Company, Inc is sourced from halal slaughtered animals. The lambs are handled in a humane manner, are presents towards Mecca as a prayer is recited by a Muslim slaughter man who ensures only a single cut with a very sharp knife is needed. Subsequently, the product is certified halal. The master cartons that Costco receives do have a Muslim Kill legend on them. The individual packages do not carry the mark yet, but they will in
the future.

You can consume these products with confidence. Please let your friends and family know that our lamb products meet the needs of the Muslim community.

Thank you very much for your patronage!

Marybeth Laleman
Australian Lamb Company, Inc


7 posted on 04/22/2011 9:42:12 AM PDT by RaceBannon (Prov 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule,)
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To: RaceBannon

Recorded blessings at the slaughterhouse...priceless !! ...magritte

13 posted on 04/22/2011 9:44:30 AM PDT by magritte ("There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself "Do trousers matter?")
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To: RaceBannon

“There is, therefore, a second Muslim butcher standing by to re-cut the neck to conclude the procedure, causing undo suffering to the animal.”

Haven’t they had enough experience on human Infidels to get THIS right???

35 posted on 04/22/2011 10:02:57 AM PDT by llandres (Forget the "New America" - restore the original one!!!)
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