Typical couch potato political punditry. Fact is the power of the presidency is such that it’s difficult under the best of circumstances to defeat the incumbent. We have a fighting chance at this point, but that’s all. Much depends on who we nominate. At this stage, I see a potential Clinton-Perot deal shaping up, with Trump in the Perot role. The same types of “real” conservatives who voted for Perot are lining up to vote for Trump, with the same, tired, predictably disasterous results.
At this stage, I see a potential Clinton-Perot deal shaping up, with Trump in the Perot role. The same types of real conservatives who voted for Perot are lining up to vote for Trump, with the same, tired, predictably disasterous results
Sounds like the GOP will be running another RINO
Only Liberal RINOs still blame Ross Perot for the Clinton wins. The GOP had weak liberal candidates, and, not a single credible analysis could find that Bush would have won in 92 had Perot not enetered
Dole had no chance in 96...only the most deluded Liberal RINO could think that Perot cost the GOP that election
The “Ross Perot helped Bill Clinton” Liberal whinefest is getting old. The GOP runs a strong conservative, they win, and Trump is not a factor.
The Liberal RINO wing of the GOP already making excuses for losing 2012