Nailed it nearly perfectly. It's easier to look up the coordinates now, just go to google maps, and enter the coordinates as N xxx xxx W xxx xxx, don't have to mess with minuses and extra converter pages. But it took me a bit to get it.
See, he sent it to me from the restaurant directly from his iPhone, no access to a computer (probably has a laptop and left it at the hotel). He bought Paint Shop Pro, and I don't think he ever bothered to learn how it works. He's not interested in getting a better camera or photography. He sent me a nice shot of a hawk from a cam I helped him pick out and don't think he ever bothers with that any more. I tried to talk him into a Nikon dslr sitting there, he could well afford it, didn't want to bother with it so picked a P&S instead.
Yeah, I know exif, have used it a lot for my own and to see the exposure, etc., other photogs post if they haven't stripped it off. Most news photos it's not on there.
I like my own photo system I devised better and am finding iPhoto a nuisance. Lightroom is the same way. I need to tweak my file system and stick in a few tags in a text editor right after I've dl'ed them from my camera. Clumsy maybe, but I'm so used to it.