The couple who bought the house, of their own free will took out a mortgage for the purchase of the house. That is a fact not under dispute. They ceased to make timely payments. That is another fact not under dispute.
SO WHAT , The mortgage does not name the true parties to the agreement , the real lender is not named , the contract is VOID , not VOIDABLE , but VOID AT INCEPTION ... Wait a few weeks or months when journalists actually start to look in the right places and see how corrupt the creators of thse MBS’s were... How it was commonplace to defraud the actual investors by re-using mortgages in multiple MBS’s whenever they were short 50 or 100 million dollars worth of loans..
An MBS issuer who fraudulently listed the name mortgage in more than one securitized pool needs to go to jail.
This does NOT mean that the home buyers who did not pay their mortgage should get the house.