For good reason. Trump's so-called pro-life conversion was in February 2011, at CPAC2011 --- just 2-months ago! Trump is saying what people want him to say. He hasn't changed. Trump is still pro-abortion.
>>>>>>Both The Donald and Reagan have one thing in common, they both have changed their positions on abortion.
For the umpteenth time, Reagan never supported Roe v Wade or abortion on demand, personally or as a matter of public policy. Lou Cannon wrote about Reagan, but he didn't speak for Reagan. I have been waiting years now for you to post actual quotes from Reagan where he says, I'm pro-abortion or I'm pro-choice. So far, you've offered NOTHING and for good reason. Those quotes do not exist. Why? Because Reagan was pro-life from the get-go.
Referencing "Reagan: In His Own Hand", pages 380-385.
"Eight years ago (1967) when I became Gov. I found myself involved almost immediately in a controversy over abortion. It was a subject I'd never given much thought to and one upon which I didn't really have an opinion."
Reagan went onto say, "I did more studying & soul searching then on any thing that was to face me as Gov".
"I know there will be disagreement with this view but I can find no evidence whatsoever that a fetus is not a living human being with human rights."
Simply your assertion, and in conflict with what he himself has said.
It would be more useful, and more to the point to simply call him a liar on the issue.