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To: Balding_Eagle
>>>>>You (understandably) didn’t post anything about Trumps conversion, so here is a short blurb"

For good reason. Trump's so-called pro-life conversion was in February 2011, at CPAC2011 --- just 2-months ago! Trump is saying what people want him to say. He hasn't changed. Trump is still pro-abortion.

>>>>>>Both The Donald and Reagan have one thing in common, they both have changed their positions on abortion.

For the umpteenth time, Reagan never supported Roe v Wade or abortion on demand, personally or as a matter of public policy. Lou Cannon wrote about Reagan, but he didn't speak for Reagan. I have been waiting years now for you to post actual quotes from Reagan where he says, I'm pro-abortion or I'm pro-choice. So far, you've offered NOTHING and for good reason. Those quotes do not exist. Why? Because Reagan was pro-life from the get-go.

Referencing "Reagan: In His Own Hand", pages 380-385.

"Eight years ago (1967) when I became Gov. I found myself involved almost immediately in a controversy over abortion. It was a subject I'd never given much thought to and one upon which I didn't really have an opinion."

Reagan went onto say, "I did more studying & soul searching then on any thing that was to face me as Gov".

"I know there will be disagreement with this view but I can find no evidence whatsoever that a fetus is not a living human being with human rights."

Google Books Link

206 posted on 04/17/2011 7:19:08 PM PDT by Reagan Man ("In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.")
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To: Reagan Man
Trump is saying what people want him to say. He hasn't changed. Trump is still pro-abortion.

Simply your assertion, and in conflict with what he himself has said.

It would be more useful, and more to the point to simply call him a liar on the issue.

208 posted on 04/17/2011 7:23:24 PM PDT by Balding_Eagle (Overproduction, one of the top five worries of the American Farmer each and every year..)
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