Posted on 04/16/2011 7:27:05 PM PDT by reaganaut1
After all the attention given to the stereotype that Asian-American parents put enormous pressure on their children to succeed provoked over the winter by Amy Chuas controversial Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother came the indisputable reality this spring that, even if Asian-American students work hard, the doors of top schools were still being slammed shut in many faces.
And parents arent happy about it. The entry barriers are higher for us than for everybody else, says Chi Chi Wu, one of the organizers of the Brookline Asian American Family Network. Theres a form of redlining or holding Asian-American students to higher standards than any other group.
Although Asian-Americans represent less than 5 percent of the US population (and slightly more than 5 percent in Massachusetts), they make up as much as 20 percent of students at many highly selective private research universities the kind of schools that make it into top 50 national rankings.
Even though the Supreme Court ruled in 2003 that universities can continue to consider race in admissions in the interest of diversity, admissions officers deny theyre screening out Asian-Americans. However, in researching their 2009 book No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal, Princeton sociologist Thomas Espenshade and researcher Alexandria Walton Radford examined data on students applying to college in 1997 and found what looks like different standards for different racial groups. They calculated that Asian-Americans needed nearly perfect SAT scores of 1550 to have the same chance of being accepted at a top private university as whites who scored 1410 and African-Americans who got 1100. Whites were three times, Hispanics six times, and blacks more than 15 times as likely to be accepted at a US university as Asian-Americans.
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the “Asian’s” are not the right color....and those “top” schools are losing their cache’ .... except for government work.
I felt the GOP made a huge mistake by not taking on reverse discrimination back in the 70s. It smacks of unfairness, hypocrisy and elitism and has done more to alienate whites (and some Asians) from the Democrats than anything else. Poll after poll has demonstrated the unpopularity of preferences and quotas, yet they stumbled around until the left can now excuse anything with the “diversity” crap.
Yeah—everything should be merit-based. I really had my eyes opened when I read the terrific book by Iris Chang, “The Chinese in America”. She was famous for writing “The Rape of Nanking” and committed suicide after a struggle with depression.
Her book gave an excellent account of the tremendous amount of discrimination the Chinese encountered from 1850-1970 or so. What’s amazing is the success they’ve had without making any excuses or demanding any reparations. Instead we have race pimps like Sharpton and Jackson telling blacks they can’t achieve because they have “racial memory” of slavery and other nonsense. Hispanic student’s are told this is their land but the “gringos” stole it from Mexico. (I’m Hispanic myself but 100% proud Americans). Now everyone is a protected class—gay men, trannies, women, etc. etc.—all except the “evil white” man. Now the asians are experiencing a discrimination because of their success. It’s ridiculous!
Those seats are reserved for the underperforming moocher class.
Yes, Thomas Sowell noticed this. He found that Asians had the most economic success, proportionately, and the least activism in identity politics. Conclusion : Identify politics enables underachievement.
A pro affirmative action liberal assumed Gov Ronald Reagan was a white bigot told him that if affirmative action was done away, then over fifty percent of college students would be Asian and the other half would be Jewish, how would he feel about that (ala there is no white Christians)? Gov Reagan basically said if they are the best applicants, so what!
I’ve heard this anecdote before but have never found a citation.
Although the article doesn’t mention it, I suspect this is also true for non-oriental asians as well.
This is America! If you work hard, study, make good grades, you can accomplish anything!
Oh no, wait ... we have been fundamentally transformed. Get in line behind the “victims” ...
Gotta fill those seats with bi-racial Indonesian students, of late from Hawaii, clammering to be “community organizers” or may be higher positions in US Government. s/
Americans of Asian descent are the new “Whites”
Working too hard, making too much money, living in too nice of house. Keeping the black man down...
Everybody is an individual. Even siblings in the same family are different. Individuals should be admitted to universities based on their own personal merits.
(Such a simple concept; anything else IS discriminatory)
Yup. It's always the fault of someone else when Blacks fail to achieve even at minimum levels. The achievers must pay for making Blacks look bad.
I guess they are going to have to start their own Chinese American University or something. It will probably have very high standards and its graduates will get the best jobs.
This is so ridiculous.
The government needs to get out of the college business.
This is pretty well known in the UC system... an administator was fired last year for stating the obvious: That Asian students are being penalized.
The New York Philharmonic makes musicians audition behind a curtain so the judges can’t see if they are Asian. That is the kind of attitude that is truly progressive, rather than what liberals call progressive!
The Asians are a fairly solid and predictably Liberal voting block: F* em.
Many came here fleeing Marxism. They learned nothing. We’re supposed to feel sorry for them?
The Democrats are MUCH MORE effective in reaching Asians. They are 5% of the public and (generally) have a lot more money. While they should be Republicans, the Democrats hit very hard in the immigration area, which is a big deal to Asians trying to get their families over here.
It’s a tough hurdle to overcome for Republicans to overcome, it wouldn’t hurt if they tried a bit...such as finding a conservative or two that speaks Mandarin, Korean, or Vietnamese...and explaining that our problem with immigration is not with Asian immigrants bringing their families in legally (within reason - no third cousins please), but rather with the ones sneaking over from the South.
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