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To: nickcarraway
The Tea Party movement's appeal has been its focus on the wisdom of America's Constitutional limits on coercive government power and its plea for a return to constitutional government by "We, the People."

Donald Trump's focus seems to be on his own "wisdom" and the coercive power he could wield as President. He is not appealing to American citizens to take away power from their elected representatives. Rather, he is asking American voters to trade the Obama brand for the Trump brand.

I have not heard him say one word about the magnificence of the United States Constitution's provisions for self-government by "We, the People." He only speaks of his deal-making abilities.

America needs a leader who understands and is devoted to the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence and structured into the Constitution's protections for individual liberty, as well as its limitations on government power in all of its branches.

Trump is a distraction from the principles the Founders held dear. When he begins taking the attention off himself and on to those principles, then he can be taken seriously.

6 posted on 04/16/2011 10:38:28 AM PDT by loveliberty2
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To: loveliberty2

Look - loads of idiots here defend TV and Fox AL Waleed news all day long. ALL of TV, all the media and AALL of Hollywood support Hussein destroying America.

If you have any “principles’ then yank the plug on cable and sat TV or you are with Obama. People traded their liberty for a clicker and HD. Deal with it.

16 posted on 04/16/2011 10:46:07 AM PDT by Frantzie (HD TV - Total Brain-washing now in High Def. 3-D Coming soon)
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To: loveliberty2

You have to start somewhere, Trump is blasting Obama and I am enjoying it immensely. Time to pontificate once we slam Obama down to level he needs to be. IMHO thanks

30 posted on 04/16/2011 11:04:09 AM PDT by mel (I DONATE to FR monthly...Do You?????)
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