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To: nickcarraway

Trump has the stage to himself and making some hay.

Now you see the media and the Rinos all attacking Trump, because he is taking the fight to Obama. It is too bad that none of them have the nads to do the same thing.

Obama will not be defeated by any candidate who acts prim and proper, does not take the gloves off and does not go to the mat.

We need a street fighter.

5 posted on 04/16/2011 10:37:52 AM PDT by TennTuxedo
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To: TennTuxedo

Trump is protecting Obama, by taking his failures of the front page.

9 posted on 04/16/2011 10:41:47 AM PDT by nickcarraway
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To: TennTuxedo
We need a street fighter.

Wrong. We need a conservative. I can't believe how many of you Trumpets have tossed aside your alleged conservatism for the dog who barks the loudest- with the most liberal past and history of any perspective Obama opponent we've seen so far.

I challenge you to find one rock solid conservative who's donated to hard line liberals as much and as consistently as Trump. I challenge you to find any rock solid conservative who uses eminent domain to try and force a woman off her property for his limo parking lot. I challenge you to find any rock solid conservative who called for Bush to be impeached for 'lying' about Iraq.

11 posted on 04/16/2011 10:42:20 AM PDT by rintense (The GOP elite & friends can pound sand.)
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To: TennTuxedo

Karl ROve and Mark Levin are two coards attacking Trump. They never said anything about eligibility. ROve is the biggest POS ever. He attacks Palin too.

12 posted on 04/16/2011 10:42:24 AM PDT by Frantzie (HD TV - Total Brain-washing now in High Def. 3-D Coming soon)
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To: TennTuxedo

I agree...

I’m sick of the nicey, nicey etiquette by the sheltered epicures of the beltway and Wall Street...

I want someone who can be a rude bastard and make their coffee cups shake and spill when they pick up the morning paper...

If the Republicans keep playing “nicey, nicey” they might has well just pack it up... I’m sick of it...

25 posted on 04/16/2011 10:51:57 AM PDT by Sir Francis Dashwood (Arjuna, why have you have dropped your bow???)
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To: TennTuxedo

“We need a street fighter.”

We have always needed someone who could take the popular democrat narrative, and their supportive media narrative, by the throat. We also need someone who can set the proper emotional tone.

I know some will disagree with the use of that term, emotional, but in my view it is very important. Gut feelings matter. How many of us here feel that any of the current crop of candidates is inspiring? The one who comes closest is Palin, because she is different that the pablum we are usually fed (e.g. McCain), but she has a lot to overcome to get beyond what the media and the left have successfully painted her as.

I’m not advocating for Trump, but simply saying that he is filling a vacuum that the insipid Republican party has created. Bush had some charisma, and this clearly helped him to get elected.

Most who come to this site are politically aware, and would likely vote for the most boring person on the planet if they thought that person could do a good job. Unfortunately a large proportion of voters aren’t that politically aware, and react to the intangibles of candidates. This is what got Obama elected. This is also, in part, what got Reagan elected. He was likeable and had charisma.

Irrespective of how this all plays out with Trump, an important underlying message is that the current crop of candidates haven’t been cutting it so far. It’s time to look harder.

26 posted on 04/16/2011 10:52:57 AM PDT by pieceofthepuzzle
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