I don't see the point in just punching someone out after a threat like that; it's not his teeth he wants to use on her. Alaska has a lot of open land, and both shotguns and shovels are cheap. I'd approve of solving this problem permanently, and I doubt that anyone would look for the missing pedophile - or find him if they did look.
Yep. Just load him up on a plane and drop him over Denali park and the bears would clean up what’s ever left.
I don’t know that I’d go THAT far. All that lad needs is an attitude adjustment! A sharp knife, remove the two body parts that seem to be agitating the lad and feed them to one of the sled dogs........and let the lad sing soprano from now on. He’d be SURE to get MORE than 15 minutes of “fame” and he would be a walking CAUTION sign to other would-be stalkers.
take him way up into the deep woods, take his coat, and leave him there.