I understand very well the concept of private property...
Your limiting the discussion only to “dogs are private property.end of discussion.” is a RED HERRING that then conveniently ignores the ramifications of dog fighting to our society...which you have never responded to, cause you don’t have an argument for the very real consequences to humans that this “use of private property that is dog fighting” has.
If I were to extend your “logic” and really expand your “red herring “ logic here you go:
I own my house.
I can do what I want with my house.It is my property.
I chose to burn it down, regardless of any consequences to surrounding citizens welfare.
If you disagree, then you want the nanny state to make any restrictions.
I have a pit bull.
It is my property. I let it bark and menace in my yard all day and night long.
Too bad...it is my property and my yard is my property.
Consequences to any one else are no one’s business.
THE reason I respond again and agin to you..is to share with others, the importance of responding to and dealing with dog fighting.
We disagree, that is all. As for the noise and the burning the house down. Sure, both are perfectly legal. Just, get your Gov't to grant you waivers in the form of zoning and you can do it everyday.