As was reported before the 2008 election, over 5 million home loans went to illegal aliens, with no proof of citizenship, job, nor bank information. Now, the U.S. government is attempting to "keep people in their homes despite foreclosure" (forcing banks and savings and loan cos. to lower interest rate, now even going in the direction of lowering original price of home (mostly no loan payments have ever been made!)
There is no such thing as allowing illegals to return because of "domestic issues" she is illegal - deport her and usher her underage children right along with her, as other families do, children live with their parents!
This really aggravate me on a personal level. I struggled for years to save up the 20% down payment on a modest condo in 2007. 2 years later it's barely worth what I owe on it, and these illegals want sympathy? If I went to Mexico I would be forbidden to own real estate of ANY KIND no matter how many years I lived there.
Jan 20, 2013 Can't Get Here Soon Enough!!!
Disclosure: I understand this sort of thing has been happening for years, I'm just so tired of hearing Soetoro lecturing us on, "not accepting people because they're different".