No blame for the officers committing the crimes I see... Dud it ever occur to you that these stories make news because some cop hired to uphold the law broke it instead? Those plumbers and cab drivers you cite didn't take an oath nor do they hold power over others, powers to take away rights and to use force to achieve goals.
I'm sorry your so blind to this issue, fortunately more and more people wake up to this problem every day. Hopefully at some point it will be corrected.
And one more thing, there isn't over one million cops in the country ad you cite. The BLS reports there is just under 800,000 total including federal law enforcement. Which makes those rates of offenses by officers that much greater.
First of all, “bad apple” would imply blame. I am sorry that you are so ignorant that you can’t see that. Second, Do soldiers take an oath? Why do you want to treat them differently?
Third, your numbers are flat out wrong. For instance, the FBI list of only STATE Full Time law enforcement employees is over 1,000,000 by itself. Including over 700,000 sworn officers. The Feds employ about 188,000 in addition to these.
These are FULL TIME numbers only. They do not count the sworn part time, auxiliary and reserve positions. EPIC FAILURE.
Your ignorance is on full display for all to see yet again.