Except his Kenyan grandmother claimed to be there when he was born in Kenya.
Except the Kenyan parliment has acknowledged his Kenyan birth on at least three occasions.
Except an image of a Kenay birth certificate has been publihed on the web (The same high standard the Hawaiian BC is held to: An image was published on the web).
Except Hawaiian officials have never actually said he was born on Hawaii, the statements have been carefully parsed to imply that, while glossing over the simple fact that the proper documents to get an Hawaiian certificate of birth do not require Hawaiian birth.
Except that the very first itty-bitty baby Barack sighting (Ignoring the Kenyan grandma because, well, she's not Susan Blake) was 2500 miles from his putative birth site, yet so soon after his birth that Susan Blake had to show Stanley Ann how to change a diaper...
Yep. Not smoking gun evidence, but certainly a strong evidence contrary to his HI birth.