You know they’ve been stealing elections for years now right. They’re not afraid of reprisal, because they’ve mastered the art of deception.
I do know that and they’re just as likely to steal the election, but stealing isn’t victory. It can appear to be, but it is totally short term.
Imagine she wins and votes down all the reforms Walker is putting in place. Wisconsin cannot escape reality; no one can. The destructive fiscal policies still exist. How can they be resolved?
Liberals and unions have their model and no alternative - tax and spend. Their policies allow a small minority to live well at the expense of a large majority. That’s an unsustainable system without force and enforcement by violence.
Wisconsinites have the following choices:
1. Move to escape the financial and economic burden of liberalism.
2. Vote even more conservatives to power.
#1 simply exacerbates the problem for those that remain. Eventually, the water boils and the frog jumps.