Technically the Hyde Amendment prohibits PP from using federal tax money for abortions. However, there are still plenty of reasons to defund this disgusting organization.
PP has become a sex-positivist propaganda outlet to ensure that there will always be demand for abortion. From radicalizing sex ed courses to campaigning against laws requiring HIV-positive people to inform their sexual partners of their status, PP is clearly not a nonpolitical organization so obliging non-sex-positivists to pay for PP is spitting in our faces. As Thomas Jefferson said, To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
PP has covered up the sexual abuse of minors. If an underage girl requests an abortion, PP will NOT inform the police even if the girl is as young as 12 or 13. This makes them accomplices to the crime of sexually abusing a minor. Forget slap-on-the-wrist “discipline”; these PP staffers belong in jail.
Cecile Richards makes over $300, 000 a year as director of this so-called nonprofit organization. Also, if the median cost of an abortion is $650 and PP performed 325, 000 abortions in 2008, 650 x 325, 000 = a whole lot of money. PP does not need our tax dollars any more than Bernie Madoff does.
Excellent post.
“this so-called nonprofit organization”.
Is like most nonprofits, somewhere some one is making lots and using the tax laws to their advantage, some times for good, others like this for the devils work.