No, I’d say that the major cause of the obesity problem is high fructose corn syrup, which is forced on us by the gubbermint.
I’ve read that HFCS, unlike most other sugars, does not dampen the appetite upon entering the bloodstream. This could explain the obesity in part (I presume regular sugar is one of the “good” kinds).
The major cause of obesity in this country is simple, too many calories and not enough activity.
The only way to loose weight is to practice portion control, eat more lean proteins, fruits and veggies AND increase activity/exercise.
Yes, I am a point counter and I work for Weight Watchers.
Amen Brother HFCS is some evil crap! We should have stuck with coconut oil, best thing in the world for you. Of course they are forcing Monsanto Round up ready GMO’s on us. Population control anyone?
Would you likewise say, that gun violence is brought on by guns?
What makes you think there’s an obesity problem?