She actually called herself an Elementary Education Teacher, which is unusual. It sounds like she is a college teacher who teached Elementary Education majors, which I don't think is the case.
Studying the 2 links at the beginning of this commentary has led me to re-evaluate this person. I don’t think she’s a teacher, after all. It sounds like she is a pre-school aide, or a day care worker with delusions of grandeur.
Misspellings are rampant in her self-description. And it never really says that she ever received a 4 year degree, let alone a certificate.
The info seems to be lifted from a ‘face book’, or a ‘my space’, page where it says she has 0 friends. Has anyone ever seen one of theose pages that boasts 0 friends? I don’t know whether to feel sorry for her, or to “out” her as the biggest fraud ever.