I did not mean to imply defeating the Usurping Marxist Onada would necessarily be easy. Now that the left is on the cusp of losing the power it took them over 60 years to steel, it would be folly to simply expect it to simply slink back into its sewer if rejected in 2013.
The keys to defeating the left are:
1. Challenging its lies.
2. Making its supporters state clearly their intent.
3. Jumping on every mistake it makes. Not hard since everything The Marxist Onada and his band of angry commies has attempted has quickly turned to poop on them.
4. Keep reminding Tea Party office holders why they were elected.
5. Reject GOP fund raising for RINOs.
6. Donate directly to Tea Party conservatives as generously as you can and where ever they are running. There are people here on FR who think electability is more important than principle and doing the right thing for Americans. That’s exactly how the left was able to coopt the GOP with its RINO useful idiots. Vote for an alleged “electable” RINO and you’ve put another demrat in office. Moreover, you’ve insured the demrat coopted GOP will just continue to serve up these people as candidates.
7. Support any conservative candidate who has the courage to challenge Onada’s presidential eligibility.
8. Communicate to your elected representatives what you want them to do using all means available. And be doubly sure to tell them yur displeased with them.
9. Write informed “letters to the editor” explaining your concerns for your country. This means you must take the time necessary to educate yourself. You must be sufficiently competent to cogently express your views and spontaneously counter Marxist mush.
10. Engage your family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances in conversation and debate about the direction the country is going—from a capitalist Constitutional Republic to a Marxist utopia of everyone suffering equally. Understand that Marxism has failed every time it’s been tried. What stronger indictment of this social and economic disaster could there possibly be?