allegedly leaked to Novak by White House officials to discredit her husband,
But you would believe from this story this is the historically viable theory of what happened. Maybe nobody went to the move because they knew is was just another Big Media lie fest.
I don’t go to the movies much. Once in the last ten years.
But if I did go it woulnd’t be to see anything Sean Penn was starring in.
Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson played a very public game of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”. Plame’s cover was blown over a decade ago by Aldridge Ames.
The movie left out a few things.
Like the fact that Joe Wilson went to Niger on a ‘spy mission’ not just ONCE, but TWICE.
Both times he brought back the same story. That Niger wasn’t selling Yellowcake Ore directly to Iraq.
Which was true. Niger was selling it to (think carefully about this) LIBYA, and Libya was selling it to Iraq.
And WHO was the broker of the DEAL ?
Joe Wilson. That is why he was going to Niger in the first place. His wife ‘requesting’ that he be used to spy was just ‘cover’ for protecting Joe Wilson, his reputation, and the corrupt officials who used Joe to keep the SALES hidden while they profited from it.