Reputedly, there was an annual cluster of marriages and newborn arrivals among the Puritans about nine months after each New England winter. If they couldn’t keep it buttoned (zippers had not yet been invented) what hope is there for Alaskans? Parnell should withdraw this nomination on account of this idiot nominee’s gross misunderstanding of human nature and the limits of legitimate (pun intended) government authority.
You are seriously challenged with regards to human nature and history both. But you are more than willing to love unfounded opinions, as long as they feel good for the now, eh?
Radical libertines and Hedonists have desperately tried to re-write Puritan History and resorted to basically lying about them in an attempt to say “everyone always acted like we do.” It wasn’t just limited to the Puritans either, look at how Margaret Mead lied about the Samoans. It’s a shame that you bought the communist propaganda.